G1 Gaming News

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Posted by Kingstar on 4:41 PM

yes this is my site!!!

Nvidia Geforce GTX 280 in action

Posted by Kingstar on 1:39 PM

The card uses the GT200 codename, and is 65nm and as you can see it has 32ROPs, a blazing 240 Shaders and, of course, it does support only DirectX 10, not the 10.1. Nvidia simply doesn’t like DirectX 10.1 and that’s it.

At the same time, the GTX 280 card works at 600MHz, memory works at 1100MHz (2200MHz effectively) while Shaders are happy at the 1300MHz clock speed.

With a 512-bit bus Nvidia can do 141.7GB/s, which is quite a lot of bandwidth for this 1024MB GDDR3 powered card. The card itself reminds us of an advanced Geforce 9800 GTX designed card with GX2 finish touch, but we've promised that we won't take pictures. People get upset when we take pictures of unannounced cards, as if they are an inappropriately dressed Britney Spears, so we didn’t take any.

Here is the screenshot.

Fallout 3

Posted by Kingstar on 11:28 AM

Take a Look At the new shots of fallout 3 (Xbox 360)

Debunking the myth that the 360 is dead

Posted by Kingstar on 10:39 AM

In terms of sales, the 360 has been struggling to gain its footing on very slippery slope this year. After being the leading console in the US for more than 2 years, it was finally surpassed by the Wii at the end of May. In addition to this, Sony announced a few weeks ago that they had finally outsold the 360 in Europe, landing another critical blow to the 360. With this on top of numerous other issues, many have began contemplating whether or not Microsoft has already closed up shop on the 360 and began looking at future consoles. However, this is simply not the case.

Microsoft has lost the advantage of having the largest install base in North America. However, while having the largest install base is important, developers often look towards a console’s attach rate(the average number of games sold per console) as well. After all, while having 25 million potential customers is better then having 18 million potential customers, if the 25 million only average 4 games per console while the 18 million average 6, theres clearly still incentive to develop for the later. And this is the case - the 360 has the best attach rate out of all 3 next gen consoles, at 6 games per console. Hardware sales are good for the manufacturer, while attach rates are good for developers. This will keep developers pushing 360 games, and continue to breath life into the 360.

Many also seem to think that because the original XBox had a 4 year life span, the 360 will have a similar 4 year span as well. The situation for the 360, however, is largely different then that of its predecessor. The 360 is still largely in the race in comparison to where the original XBox stood. In 5 years, the original black box sold about 24 million consoles. In 3 years, the 360 has sold close to 19 million units, just a few million shy of its forerunner. Axing the 360 so early would also further hurt the companies reputation in the industry. Also, by unleashing a new console so early, Microsoft runs the risk of the 360 looking VERY dated when Sony and Nintendo come up with a new console. A one year head start doesn’t allow technology to become radically more advanced, as seen with the PS2 to Gamecube or XBox. 2 or more years, however, does allow this to happen - look no further then the Dreamcast compared to the PS2.

In addition, right now, the standard 360 SKU(the Premium model) has still yet to hit the price point in which consoles really tend to take off in sales. Generally speaking, $200-$250 is the range many people deem an appropriate price to pay for a console. The Premium is still stuck at a pretty $350, $100 more then the standard price point. If Microsoft slashes the price, the 360 will be sure to take off.

Plus, rumors are also pointing to a 360 ’slim’ model being developed for 2009. Typically, these redesigns come at mid-cycle, which would indicate Microsoft is still vested in the 360.

Also in 2009, the DTV transition will occur and broadcast signals will change from analog to digital. Standard analog TVs will no longer get reception without the aid of a signal down converter device. Though these devices will be readily available, many will be in the market for a new HDTV. As it is, the 360 is the cheapest HD console. This makes the 360 an attractive choice for many of the new HDTV owners, especially over Sony’s PS3. If a Blu Ray playing 360 is also really in the works, this tilts the scales even more.

Though in general, the Wii is marketed towards a different audience, this new market of HDTV owners may also even give the 360 an edge over the Wii. This is especially the case if recent rumors of Microsoft developing a motion controlled ‘360mote’ have any bearing in reality. This would greatly expand the audience of the 360, incorporating both the casual audience and core gamers. Combine this with the DTV Transition and a price cut and the 360 becomes a power house once again.

Finally, theres this myth that the 360 doesn’t have a 2009(or beyond) line up. While its not as definite and clear cut as the PS3’s, there are already several big name games slated for an 09 release. Alan Wake leads the pack, but theres also Splinter Cell Conviction and most likely Halo Wars and Mass Effect 2 joining it. With E3 right around the bend, expect even more titles to be announced as well.
The 360 is still alive and kicking. Microsoft is not going to release its next console so early, theres no need to. With a solid line up, some innovative new hardware, a possible price drop, and the DTV transition around the corner, you can expect the 360 to be around for quite a while.

G1 Gaming News Site update

Posted by Kingstar on 1:00 AM

G1 has New update from 1.1 to 1.1.3,hope you like the new look!!

(About Update)
1.New Look

2.Movies,Dvd's,Hot GAme News ,And More!!!

Which Babeologist is your favorite?

Posted by Kingstar on 12:05 AM

Our weeks worth of babes, boobs and bikinis, 28 days of smokin' hot vids and clickable pics, are what we set out to provide, and by Odin's beard, we dare say we provided it!

Now, the final exam of Babeology's first session is about to begin. Ogle for the first time or for the tri-billion time some of the finest eye-candy the internet has ever seen.

Professor Arekah

girl who likes Guitar Hero

The Future of the Hulk

Posted by Kingstar on 3:39 PM

Hulk is a changed man these days. After being whisked away to an alien planet and becoming emperor, Hulk returned to Earth last year to lay waste to his former friends in the superhuman community. That didn't work out so well for him.

Now the Hulk line was split into three main series. Hulk stars both the traditional Jade Giant and a newer, meaner Red Hulk. Hercules has taken over the old Incredible Hulk book to surprising success. And starting in June, Skaar: Son of Hulk will focus on the son Hulk unknowingly left behind on Sakaar.

Though Wizard World Philly is underway right now, we still wanted to shine a light on a franchise that is not only bigger than ever but about to be in the mainstream more than ever. With a movie on the way and three titles, the Green/Red/Grey Goliath has never been more popular. We checked in with editor Mark Paniccia for more on how Marvel has steered the franchise over the past couple years and what lies ahead.

It's Always Sunny on DVD

Posted by Kingstar on 3:35 PM

On September 9, 2008, Fox Home Entertainment will release It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia – Season Three on DVD. The hit black sitcom that follows the adventures of several misfits will span three discs and fifteen episodes. It will contain bonus materials and extra features, and the DVD will be available for the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) of $39.98.

The It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia – Season Three DVD will feature the following bonus materials:

Check out the artwork for the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia – Season Three DVD below:

Xbox Live getting Netflix'd

Posted by Kingstar on 3:28 PM

n March, Reuters reported that Netflix was surveying its customers about whether they were interested in streaming movies via the Xbox 360. The report came just weeks before the mail-based video-rental service unveiled its first set-top device to stream videos directly to subscribers' televisions. But while the device, manufactured by Bay Area consumer electronics manufacturer Roku, is garnering solid reviews, it still requires consumers to plunk down $99 in addition to their Netflix subscription service to watch videos.

Little wonder, then, that during a recent summit in San Francisco, Netflix executives were hyping up other delivery channels besides the Roku box to analysts. Analysts like Wedbush Morgan Securties' Michael Pachter, who left the event convinced that Netflix is on the verge of announcing a deal with a major console-maker.

"As we have speculated in the past, we believe that one of Netflix's partners is Microsoft," said Pachter in a note to investors. "We arrive at this conclusion based upon Netflix management repeatedly mentioning 'Internet-enabled video game consoles' [at the event]. While there are three such consoles, only one (Microsoft's Xbox 360) has a sufficiently large installed base to make sense from a streaming partnership with Netflix."

Pachter continued, "The competitive advantage of such an alliance is clear: Netflix customers who are Xbox Live members will have the ability to stream online content through their Xbox 360s directly to their televisions. The ability to do so is available without the Xbox 360, but requires a measure of technological sophistication and a high tolerance for failure."

When contacted by GameSpot, Microsoft reps repeated their favorite mantra, saying "We don't comment on rumors." A senior Netflix representative seconded the sentiment, saying only "We don't comment on speculation."

However, if a Microsoft-Netflix deal is announced in the weeks before the looming E3 Media & Business Summit, it will raise a host of questions. Would such a service require 360s equipped with hard drives? Would such a service replace Xbox Live's current film-rental service, or complement it?

GTA IV Causing Stockton Violence?

Posted by Kingstar on 2:57 PM

A report in the Stockton Record, a local rag of Stockton, California, says that residents have been severely, and negatively, effected by GTA 4.

Titled "Grand Theft Auto IV Criticized by Stocktonians," the story cites interviews with two people who say GTA has adversely affected their lives.

“My son Peter was never really aggressive,,” claims Greg Within, “but once he got into video games, GTA being one of them, he started to push, hit, talk back, and just become a different person."

gta 4 (xbox 360 vs ps3 pt.2)

Posted by Kingstar on 4:51 AM

(XBOX 360 Pic)


(XBOX 360 pic)

(PS3 pic)

Gta 4 (Xbox 306 vs ps3) pt.1

Posted by Kingstar on 4:43 AM

(xbox 360) pic
(PS3) Pic

2009 Nissan GT-R

Posted by Kingstar on 4:40 AM

The acceleration is unbelievable and will slap a smile on any driver's face even at partial throttle. How can a 4,000 lb showroom stock street car pull us back into the seats like a ballistic missile? 480 horsepower, that's how. After the sensation of blasting from 0 to 100mph has worn off slightly we can really begin to see what else the GT-R can do. The back roads from Reno to the track are a good opportunity as any to see how well the car can handle; most of the two-lane road is composed of heavy banked left and right turns with the occasional straight to get up to fourth or fifth gear.

The car is that good. The car does everything Nissan says it'll do; more importantly, the GT-R will do everything you want it to do.

Fallout 3 Image Spooks Terror Experts

Posted by Kingstar on 4:34 AM

New 360 game has push it past what Has been seen on ps3,it runs at the best Hi-Def 1080p

the Fallout 3 artists at Bethesda Softworks, has apparently popped up on terrorism-related Internet forums, and the image is now at the center of an online brouhaha. According to the Entertainment Consumers Association's GamePolitics blog, U.S. defense contractor and intelligence analyst group SITE found the image while perusing message boards commonly used by Islamic terror groups, who were apparently discussing the possibility of nuclear attacks on Western nations.

SITE reportedly passed intel about the online terror activity to government and media, and the latter (including the Telegraph in the UK and the Australian newspaper) disseminated the info far and wide.

England's Daily Mail posted the pic under the headline: "Al-Qaeda's terrifying vision of a devastated America in the wake of a nuclear attack." According to the Daily Mail, there was also a post-apocalyptic video on the terror-related sites.

Said the paper: "U.S. analysts said a lot of effort had been put into the video - entitled Nuclear Jihad, The Ultimate Terror - with graphics, music, and clips of different leaders and groups. The same expertise seems to have gone into creating this image of a devastated Washington."

As of this writing, the Mail and the Australian were still running the Fallout 3 image alongside the terrorism stories, but the Telegraph has since removed its article. The piece remains the most-read article on the paper's Web site however, under the dead-linked headline "SITE red-faced as Islamist 'Washington ruin' turns out to be from Fallout 3 game."

Beyond Good & Evil 2

Posted by Kingstar on 4:30 AM

Designed by Michel Ancel and his acclaimed design team at Ubisoft, this is a sequel to the beloved adventure game, Beyond Good & Evil.

The game has not yet, however, been officially announced under the title "Beyond Good & Evil 2" -- it is instead referred to simply as "Next Michel Ancel Project" after its creator, it it might possibly have a unique title to reboot the franchise.

NOTE: This game has been confirmed as a title in production, but it has not been announced for any given platform -- it may or may not be released on this system. Please check back for official info.

And it will run at 789p Hd....halo 3 Hd via hdmi only 720p

What does the Wii's sexiest fan have in store for us this week?

Posted by Kingstar on 4:24 AM

The fourth and final week of IGN Babeology arrives with another Stars exclusive hottie, and she's ready to teach us a lesson in the ever-popular science of babes.

Nikki arrives with her own unique brand of sexy, promising to share a lot more than just her smile with us as the week goes on.

Cloverfield Blu-ray

Posted by Kingstar on 4:22 AM

In the best way possible, the long-awaited, shrouded-in-mystery monster movie Cloverfield is basically an anthology of bad decisions. Like many of the best science fiction and horror films, director Matt Reeves' handicam chronicle of New York's destruction at the hands of an oversized creature features a litany of choices -- some by the characters, some by the filmmakers -- that audiences will debate and disagree over. But while the emotional and creative underpinnings for specific developments and digressions in the film remain uncertain, their effectiveness is undeniable, making Cloverfield an engaging thriller that should thoroughly satisfy genre fans during a time of year when their choices are essentially between bad and worse.

The plot is fairly straightforward -- a gigantic monster attacks New York -- but the players are what keep this thrill ride tethered to its rails. Newcomer Michael Stahl-David plays Rob, a successful twentysomething about to depart for Japan to start a new job. Mike Vogel (Poseidon) plays his brother Jason, who enlists his own girlfriend Lily (Jessica Lucas) and Rob's best friend Hud (T.J. Miller) to throw him a going-away party, including documenting every minute with a digital camcorder. Lizzy Caplan (Freaks and Geeks) plays Marlena, a partygoer Hud pines for while he films testimonials from the various attendees. And Odette Yustman (Walk Hard) plays Rob's crush Beth, whom he sets out to find after the monster destroys the city.
Additionally, there is an extra and perhaps expected layer of discomfort given that the film takes place in post-9/11 New York, but Goddard and Reeves are careful to avoid exploiting real tragedies for their imagined one. Even with an abundance of wider shots of the destroyed city (don't ask how they got them), Reeves focuses on more of the sci-fi mayhem than the human toll. That said, he and Goddard do a terrific job elevating the pulpy framework of a monster attack to something more dramatic and evocative. In particular Rob's rescue of Beth is at once romantic and unpretentious, but the losses the group suffers are captured with enough sensitivity that we never feel like we're merely counting bodies.

In short, Cloverfield is the best kind of blockbuster -- one wired both for thinking people and thrill seekers -- which is why, even if you don't agree with what the characters or filmmakers do, you'll likely be happy with your own decision to see the film.

Will Saints Row 2 beat GTA IV ? THQ explains why SR2 delayed + New Trailer Coming

Posted by Kingstar on 4:18 AM

I thought I'd drop you a line to let you know what's going on with Saints Row 2.

First off, as many of you have seen, we have moved the release date back from August 26th to October 14th. I know, I know...its got to be a bummer for a lot of you wanting to get your hands on SR2, but we want to give you the best quality game possible. Single-player, co-op, and multiplayer have all undergone multiple iterations and polish; and now we have even more time to tweak and balance gameplay. Its a designer's dream come true.

We are also already weeks into our graphics "polish" stage. The world is starting to look absolutely amazing! We're extremely grateful that THQ sees how amazing this game is going to be and is willing to give us these extra few weeks to make sure we give you the highest quality product (and not rush anything out of the door).

Look for an exciting (and controversial) video to hit the web late next week. We also should have some new screenshots and articles accompanying this release.

We know what the quality bar is for open world games and we look forward to meeting and exceeding your expectations come October 14th! More info coming soon

Google updates Web address iconography

Posted by Kingstar on 4:14 AM

Overnight, Google got a new face on the Web--one measuring 16x16 pixels.

The search giant updated its favicon, the eensy little 256-pixel logo that appears in browser locations such as bookmarks, URL location bar, and window tabs. The old icon, a capital G in a multicolored box, has been supplanted by a cuddlier-looking blue lower-case g.

It's a minor change, to be sure. But coming from a company obsessed not only with design choices but also the effect those choices have, I can't help but draw attention to it. And given how often most Web users see that icon sprinkled across their browsers, it's probably smart to pay some attention to that aspect of branding.

Note that the new favicon doesn't appear on all Google sites yet. And in some areas, there are other favicons: Google Docs, for example, shows different icons for online spreadsheets, word-processing files, and presentations. Conveniently, those favicons are color-coded with the same green, blue, and red colors used by Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.

Crisis Core : first european images

Posted by Kingstar on 4:12 AM

Ninja Gaiden 2 (G1 Update)

Posted by Kingstar on 4:09 AM

who first broke that new that halo3 was running at 640p and call of dut 4 at 600p, now states that xbox 360 exclusive ninja gaiden 2 runs at 585p with 2x AA. Crazy...@uck Ps3

Gears of War 2

Posted by Kingstar on 4:07 AM

Microsoft showcased a bunch of upcoming games to the press this week, including Gears of War 2. While showing the game's second level, Epic's Cliff Bleszinski noted that the game might be the final chapter, it might not. It might be part of a trilogy, it might not. It might stretch into four, five, or six games. Who knows?

VERDICT: And of the people who know, who’s telling? We think Gears has enough interesting backstory and charismatic characters to stick around for a long time, and we like the idea that Epic might like to tell a story that’s, well, epic. As long as Cliff and the team don’t run out of creative gas, we’re up for several tours of duty.

xbox 360 Hits 10-Million Milestone

Posted by Kingstar on 4:06 AM

Microsoft is first to 10 million if you conveniently ignore the Wii’s 24.5 million global sales — but hey, Nintendo’s machine doesn’t output 720p, so Microsoft amended its boast to note that they meant “high-definition consoles.” Meanwhile, everybody loves to play the numbers game and will always turn things to their advantage, but 10 million is a great milestone no matter how you spin the digits. It speaks well for the health of the platform.


Posted by Kingstar on 4:04 AM

Revolving around your custom-created boxer in a classic rags-to-riches tale, Prizefighter features 40 real-life athletes (including 30 active fighters) and another 40 created by Venom to help move the story along. The career mode is truly the emphasis, with documentary-style cutscenes featuring both actors and real-life personalities (and by that we mean Don King) helping to chronicle your virtual life.

Fable 2

Posted by Kingstar on 3:54 AM

Fable, released in 2004, was Molyneux's first role playing game (RPG) and his ambition going into the game was simple. "I want to make the best RPG ever," he said at the time. The game sold many millions of copies but Molyneux has admitted that the game did not match his ambitions. Fable is considered by many to be one of the best RPGs released on the original Xbox.

He and his team at Lionhead Studios are now working on a much-anticipated sequel. And this time his ambitions are no less far reaching. The question is will it become the legendary RPG originally perceived and finally reach the creative vision of Molyneux?

Microsoft is touting Fable 2 as one of their big three eclusive contenders for 2008. Xbox 360 enthusiasts may indeed be in for an RPG treat this Holiday Season."I hope those who enjoy the game rate it in their top three games of all time." That's pretty ambitious. "In fact, being ambitious, if I asked anybody they would say that Fable 2 featured as their number one game," says Molyneux.

To reach his ambitions Molyneux has spent a long time tackling two key issues: how to make people care about the game and how to make it rich and deep enough to satisfy hardcore gamers and simple enough to attract new players. "What it comes down to is making this one of the greatest stories computer games have ever told. I want people to sit down and play the game with a friend. Now sometimes your friend could be a gamer. But probably more likely your friend is going to be someone who has never played the game before," says Molyneux.

able 2 is an action role-playing game (RPG) that truly allows players to live the life they choose in an unimaginably open world environment. Set 500 years after the original, Fable 2 will provide gamers with an epic story and innovative real-time gameplay, including a massive amount of freedom and choice to explore a vast collection of dungeons, catacombs and caves in the world of Albion.

BioShock’s Exclusivity

Posted by Kingstar on 3:51 AM

The cat is now out of the bag, people finally knows that BioShock is coming to PS3, after it was ‘confirmed‘ not to.

Well, I worked on the PS3 version, I was even lead programmer for the PS3 SKU at one point, but then there were a lot of lead programmers that worked on the PS3 version, but that’s a sordid tale for another post. Today’s post is about one of the lies of the games industry, the exclusivity deal.

Nowadays, almost all high profile games from 3rd party publishers are planned from the beginning to be multi-platform and simultaneous release. The extra cost of developing for multiple platforms can easily be recouped since both PS3 and 360 has a big enough installbase. The simultaneous release makes the most of the marketing money by spending it on one big campaign rather than two smaller ones months apart.

Remember Sony claiming that most developers are creating the PS3 version first? That is not because PS3 is more popular, or easier to code, it is purely because from a technical point PS3 is harder to create good code for. Once you’ve created a good code base for PS3, it is easy to turn that into a well running 360 version.

So how did BioShock’s ‘exclusive’ come about and why PS3 version a year later? Well, you’ve got to follow the money, which leads us to Microsoft.

After BioShock made a big splash during Microsoft’s XFest ‘06, they approached the studio to negotiate a exclusive. This actually worked out really well for us, since our PS3 development was still very early and wasn’t going well. I am not sure about the actual number, but Microsoft paid for a lot of BioShock’s marketing in return for a timed exclusive.

A timed exclusive is good deal for both sides. From Microsoft point of view, they can claim it is exclusive and get all the benefit of a PR hit against PS3 without paying the cost for a full exclusive. After all, no one knows if BioShock will really be a big seller at that point. From the point of view of the studio, we can concentrate on the 360 version without worrying about PS3 for a while, and if the game is a big seller, we can always port to the PS3 later.

So the exclusive deal isn’t about the foresight of Microsoft as it is about the unsureness about the success of BioShock at the point the contract was signed.

360 version of GRID hits the skids???

Posted by Kingstar on 3:39 AM

According to Raeburn though, Codemasters is “close to getting to the root of the problem” and that “a patch will be released as soon as [Codemasters] can get it through Microsoft [certification].”
From Gamer.tm "It seems that not all is well with the 360 version of GRID,with gamers complaining that the game repeatedly freezes during play.

The cause of the problem appears to be the 360’s hard drive. So GRID’s executive producer Gavin Raeburn has told the Codemasters forum, the British developer believes that “the issue is due to specific drive hardware, possibly with bad blocks/sectors.”
it seems that no similar issues have been reported with the PS3 or PC versions."

Mass Effect

Posted by Kingstar on 3:34 AM

All the things that made Mass Effect great on the 360--the story, the conversations, the galaxy, the combat, the soundtrack, and the characters--are still great on the PC. The changes that have been implemented don't radically alter the game in any way, but they have enough of a positive impact to make it easy to recommend the PC version over the 360 version. On top of that, BioWare is offering the downloadable expansion "Bring Down the Sky" free to PC players, though at the time of this review that content was not yet available. Whether you're a seasoned Spectre looking to suit up again, or a newcomer who has never set foot on the Normandy, the refined PC version is your best choice for experiencing this excellent game.

Google Android UI (2009)

Posted by Kingstar on 3:30 AM

Here's a first look at the Google Android UI running on a Nokia N810 Internet Tablet, proving its flexibility. For those who missed the Quake running on Android,it was so cool.....t's interesting, with things like Quake and Google Maps Street View looking pretty great, especially on a phone running at 300 Mhz (half of the iPhone's processing power). It's not perfect, but it's also not ready for prime time

Google Uses Pac-Man to Demo iPhone Killer

Posted by Kingstar on 3:27 AM

Google's Android platform for mobile applications was demonstrated running on a mobile phone this week. Cutting edge wasn't in it as Pac-Man hove into view to show off the capabilities. The demo device was also made to look as iPhone-like as possible.