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Fallout 3 Image Spooks Terror Experts

Posted by Kingstar on 4:34 AM

New 360 game has push it past what Has been seen on ps3,it runs at the best Hi-Def 1080p

the Fallout 3 artists at Bethesda Softworks, has apparently popped up on terrorism-related Internet forums, and the image is now at the center of an online brouhaha. According to the Entertainment Consumers Association's GamePolitics blog, U.S. defense contractor and intelligence analyst group SITE found the image while perusing message boards commonly used by Islamic terror groups, who were apparently discussing the possibility of nuclear attacks on Western nations.

SITE reportedly passed intel about the online terror activity to government and media, and the latter (including the Telegraph in the UK and the Australian newspaper) disseminated the info far and wide.

England's Daily Mail posted the pic under the headline: "Al-Qaeda's terrifying vision of a devastated America in the wake of a nuclear attack." According to the Daily Mail, there was also a post-apocalyptic video on the terror-related sites.

Said the paper: "U.S. analysts said a lot of effort had been put into the video - entitled Nuclear Jihad, The Ultimate Terror - with graphics, music, and clips of different leaders and groups. The same expertise seems to have gone into creating this image of a devastated Washington."

As of this writing, the Mail and the Australian were still running the Fallout 3 image alongside the terrorism stories, but the Telegraph has since removed its article. The piece remains the most-read article on the paper's Web site however, under the dead-linked headline "SITE red-faced as Islamist 'Washington ruin' turns out to be from Fallout 3 game."