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Itagaki: Xbox 360 is the Most Powerful Hardware
Posted by Kingstar on 11:30 PM
Ahead of the release of Ninja Gaiden II on Xbox 360 on June 6th, MCV caught up with head of developer Team Ninja Tomonubu Itagaki.
MCV: "Ninja Gaiden II has got some great previews from the press – how proud of it are you?"
Itagaki: "I’m very happy with it. It’s not 100 per cent as I think that’s not possible to do, but I think that I was successful in making a game that no one else could. This is a game that only my team and I would be able to make."
MCV: "Do you prefer to develop on the Xbox 360, rather than the other consoles?"
Itagaki: "Yes. In my opinion it is the most powerful hardware. I have a lot of friends that develop on it so in some ways I regard it like being at home when I’m working on it. There’s no reason for me to go to a strangers house to make games."