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The Future of the Hulk
Posted by Kingstar on 3:39 PM
Hulk is a changed man these days. After being whisked away to an alien planet and becoming emperor, Hulk returned to Earth last year to lay waste to his former friends in the superhuman community. That didn't work out so well for him.
Now the Hulk line was split into three main series. Hulk stars both the traditional Jade Giant and a newer, meaner Red Hulk. Hercules has taken over the old Incredible Hulk book to surprising success. And starting in June, Skaar: Son of Hulk will focus on the son Hulk unknowingly left behind on Sakaar.
Though Wizard World Philly is underway right now, we still wanted to shine a light on a franchise that is not only bigger than ever but about to be in the mainstream more than ever. With a movie on the way and three titles, the Green/Red/Grey Goliath has never been more popular. We checked in with editor Mark Paniccia for more on how Marvel has steered the franchise over the past couple years and what lies ahead.